Is it the look? the graphic appeal of your promotional pieces, the design and layout, the appearance...
Is it the letter? the message, the content, how well you articulate your offer, your services, your mission…
Is it the list? the database, the names, the accuracy and targeting of the recipients…
Or is it something else?
Here’s what our studies show, in terms of relative importance of these factors:
30% is the message – and most organizations do a good job with this. They know how to articulate their cause, how to define their mission.
30% is the audience – this is most often under-valued. According to USPS statistics, 30-40% of all mail does not reach its intended recipient – due to faulty addressing, or inaccurate names. Good database management is essential to good returns. Wordsprint can help with this: we can clean up your lists, process them through CASS, DPV, and NCOA filters, even help you acquire new prospects.
Only 10% is the look – this is most often over-valued. Sure, it needs to be neat and clean, and consistent with your branding – but most organizations spend way too much time and money on fancy-looking materials, when something much simpler will work just as well.
The final 30% is repetition – being rhythmic and repetitive in your advertising, and thereby building top of mind recognition in the marketplace. Marketing fails when it’s carried out sporadically, when you change the timing or tenor of your pitch too often. People don’t buy your product or services when they see your advertising; they buy your product or services when they need them. And when they need them, does your brand come to their mind first, or does your competitor’s? That’s why having an consistent and repetitive strategy is so important. Wordsprint can help you develop this strategy; and we can help you stick to your plan, month in and month out. Our research shows that direct marketing really starts to snowball after 12-18 months of repetition.